Words of Wisdom, Light of the World
Master Amnart Opaso’s brilliant literary pieces are a medium to spread the Buddhist core truth, helping readers reached full comprehension of the Dharma principles. His works have inspired humanity to pursue peace and find the light of salvation through the elegant proses, yet dive deep into a thoughtful self-refection. Whether it be sermons or Dharma poems, the words of wisdom are carefully crafted into a realm of meditating reading.

Words of Wisdom, Light of the World
Master Amnart Opaso’s brilliant literary pieces are a medium to spread the Buddhist core truth, helping readers reached full comprehension of the Dharma principles. His works have inspired humanity to pursue peace and find the light of salvation through the elegant proses, yet dive deep into a thoughtful self-refection. Whether it be sermons or Dharma poems, the words of wisdom are carefully crafted into a realm of meditating reading.

The Immortal Book Series
“Immortality is eternal happiness free from impurity. It is the natural phenomena in its natural state of peace, which has existed before, always there and will always be there.”
This book is where truth is woven into reality, triggering an inspirational awakening to seek out the truth, and seeing the law of nature as a natural phenomenon, in which all depend on one another, not by itself. When ignorance is replaced by truth, true ignorance is unable to seep into the pristine clear mind. The Dharmic truth will only reveal the gate of immortality to those who stops fabricating stories to hide the truth. Come find inner peace in the natural state of worldly vastitudes, which are inevitable to everyone, no matter what race they are, for peace is above all illusion.

Praying for Happiness


End Suffering Now, Find Happiness Now

How to Find Salvation and Happiness

Stay Smiling

108 Happiness You Can’t Afford to Lose

Dharma Poems

The Inspiration from Dharma

Dujawithi, the Master of Stringing Flowers

The Only Difference is Idea, Concealing the Pure Mind

Ripples Blocking the Clear Water

Droplets of Inspiration

The Truth is No One is Suffering

Leaning Together, the Bridge Connecting Hearts

Happiness Without You

Oh Mind

The Mind is Not You

It’s Karma but Don’t Do It

Prevention is Better Than Cure

Diligently doing Good until There’s No Time for Evil

Forced Happiness







Live in the Know

Buddhist Siumsee, Messages of Miracles

Timeless Wisdom

Heaven is on Earth

The Stormy Day

Pratityasamutpada: The Answer to Life


Prayers of the Buddha

Godlike Genius